Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The 10th Floor

I did go up to the 10th floor today. I don't usually go see Chad at work, but sometimes it is just necessary. My boss, Newt, has been especially evil today. I took the stairs. I always take the stairs because I hate exercising, and I feel as though if I always take the stairs, I will be justified in exercising less. Plus, one very rarely sees someone they try to avoid in the stairway. On the elevator, one most always sees people they want to never see again. Anyway, when I walked through the double glass doors to the marketing and advertising office, everyone was staring at me. This is very common since the office is completely divided over whether or not to like me. There's this total cow of a woman called Francine. She had been trying to shag with Chad, and according to her, had him almost convinced. There was about a month when Chad and I broke up because we had just been together so long. It was obvious though, that we couldn't make it without each other. Still that month was her month of glory. Francine has successfully turned about half of her office against me. The other half loves me for getting back with Chad and once and for all shutting off all chances of her actually succeeding in her mission.

I walked up to Chad's desk, and he was there, looking all sheepish like he always does when he does something nice. Almost as if he regrets it because now he'll have to face some showing of emotion--every man's enemy. Sitting on his desk was this huge basket full of Aero bars and a note that says, "To: Jane From: Chad I love you." Everyone knows I live and die for Aero bars.

About this time, Francine, that lovely woman, prances up to Chad's desk, sits on it, and grabs one of my Aero bars. Chad says, "Oh thank you, Francine. Yes I should have known you'd want one right away, Jane." Takes it from her hand, unwraps it, and hands it to me. Francine huffs and walks away, and Chad winks at me.

Now, I don't want you to think that Chad and I are the horny couple that always hooks up in the office. In fact, we very rarely even talk to one another at work save the occasional e-mail. So today was a rare occasion. But the sex we had in the filing room today totally prepared me for facing my family after work. I kissed him and said, "Wagamamas at 18." And I swear I got all of my work done for the day. Well. Most of it.

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